
Free tool for backing up your FANUC robots

Backing up your robots is a pain, especially if you have more than one robot.

BackupTool makes it easy and saves you a ton of time by backing up all of your robots at the same time and organizing those backups into timestamped and named directories with a very simple command-line interface.

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Download BackupTool

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  1. Extract zip file
  2. Do one of the following with the appropriate version (32 or 64 bit):
    1. Copy to your current project's directory and rename to whatever you like (e.g. backup.exe)
    2. Extract somewhere and add that directory to your system's PATH variable


  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to your current project's directory
  2. Initialize your project
    1. Create config file by running BackupTool once
    2. Use BackupTool add to add robots to your project
  3. BackupTool backup all to create a new backup in the directory you specified when you initialized your project

You can always simply type BackupTool to see a reference on how to use the tool

BackupTool will create a timestamped backup for each robot on your project that may look something like this:


Let me know if you have any issues or feature requests!